Monday, March 12, 2012

Other nurse bloggers? Get in on this.

I've put a request in and will hopefully get a gift card to blog about MNU. I haven't purchased from them before so that should score me a new pair of scrubs. Here is the complete release from them.

Time to get a new nursing uniform set? Is it time to shop for new uniforms? Everyone could use a new pair of scrubs and getting them for free would be even better! You heard right--free scrubs.

My Nursing Uniforms, the web's leading Dickies scrubs store, is launching our popular nursing scrubs giveaway campaign to lucky nurses in the United States. Who's eligible for our giveaway? From now until the end of March 2012, any nurse, or medical practitioner (that can use scrubs), that's been blogging for a least six month is eligible to receive a gift certificate to the My Nursing Uniforms web store.

What's the catch?!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What's your ratio of male nurses

on your unit how many male nurses do you work with? Some school are reporting increases in male enrollment in nursing programs. however, for the most part male nurses comprise under 10% of graduates. THere seems to be a shift, but it's a really slow one. The current male nurses in the field are still trailblazers. I don't know if nursing itself will ever be a profession that houses equal amounts from both genders.....